Model with focused light on her skin, making the rest of the image a little more moody

Shiny Shapes


Playing with light and shapes is something Dominique and I really admire. After chatting for some time we thought that the concept of shapes really fitted both our styles, and we created the series you can admire below. 



Model: Romy Daniels 
Stylist: Dominique Verwijmeren 
Production Manager: Tom Paape
Photography & Retouch: Jasmijn Bult | Studio Taupe

Model with a tulefabric top on. Her face half lighted, so one side of her face has more attention.
Model with light in a circle on her head. Standing with her back towards the camera.
Model with a shiny dress on and a light pattern on the background matching her shiny dress.
Model with a lot of jewellery in her ears and on her hands that she holds in front of her face, thumbs under her chin.
Model with focused light on her skin, lighting half of her face. She is holding a Chanelbag.
Model on a Taupe background with a light stripe on her jawline.